使用者條款於/Terms of use at
使用者條款於 2022/10/01 更新
- 親愛的會員您好,歡迎來到本站,本網站是由我們男孩影像發表平台之會員服務條款,本條款載明了網站之服務內容以及您的權利義務,請務必詳細閱讀,並配合網站的規範,一旦您完成網站會員註冊之流程,即表示您同意遵守本條款之所有內容與規定,本條款將對您合法生效。
- 您同意遵守本服務條款所公告之個別規範條款。當您使用本服務時,即視為您已瞭解並同意接受本服務條款及個別規範條款之內容。
- 若您無法遵守或無法同意上述規範時,建議您不要使用本網站之服務。如對相關規範有任何不明白處,您可以隨時聯絡我們,以尋求解答。
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- 在您使用會員服務以前,必須經過本網站所訂的註冊手續,在註冊過程中您必須填入完整、而且正確的資料。如因資料錯誤或未更新所造成的任何問題,您須自行負擔責任。
- 會員帳號之顯示名稱,不得使用模仿他人姓名、具攻擊性、歧視性、不雅、猥褻或任何構成犯罪之文字,以及其他侵害他人權益之名稱,否則本網站有權利終止對您的服務。
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- 除個人用途外,請勿使用我們男孩影像,請勿出售、出租、 轉讓或共享您的帳戶或從您使用我們男孩影像獲得的任何內容 給或與其他任何人。
- 僅以合法的方式和目的使用我們男孩影像。
- 不要在 我們男孩影像上傳、發布、展示或發布非法內容, 欺詐、誹謗、仇恨、歧視、威脅或騷擾,或 鼓勵或宣揚暴力或任何非法活動。
- 不要用任何可能的方式使用我們男孩影像,造成剝削、傷害、或是嘗試造成剝削、傷害任何 18 歲以下的人,例如讓他們接觸 不適當的內容。
- Do not upload, post, display, or publish Content on Our Boy Images that:
- shows, includes or refers to:
- any individual under 18 years old (or which refers to individuals under 18 years old generally); or
- any other individual unless you have written documentation which confirms that all individuals shown or included or referred to in your Content are at least 18 years old, and you have a written consent from each individual to use their name or images (or both) in the Content;
- shows, promotes, advertises or refers to:
- firearms, weapons, or any goods whose sale, possession or use is subject to prohibitions or restrictions
- drugs or drug paraphernalia
- self-harm or suicide
- incest
- bestiality
- violence, rape, lack of consent, hypnosis, intoxication, sexual assault, torture, sadomasochistic abuse or hardcore bondage, extreme fisting, or genital mutilation;
- necrophilia
- urine, scatological, or excrement-related material;
- “revenge porn” (being any sexually explicit material featuring any individual who has not given prior, express and fully informed consent to that material (a) being taken, captured, or otherwise memorialized, or (b) being posted and shared on Our Boy Images);
- escort services, sex trafficking, or prostitution;
- contains unsolicited sexual content or unsolicited language that sexually objectifies another User or anyone else in a non-consensual way, or contains fake or manipulated sexual content in relation to another User or anyone else (including “deepfakes”);
- contains, promotes, advertises or refers to hate speech (being Content intended to vilify, humiliate, dehumanize, exclude, attack, threaten, or incite hatred, fear of, or violence against, a group or individual based on race, ethnicity, national origin, immigration status, caste, religion, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, disability, serious disease, veteran status, or any other protected characteristic);
- contains or refers to anyone else’s personal data or private or confidential information (for example, telephone numbers, location information (including street addresses and GPS coordinates), names, identity documents, email addresses, log-in credentials for Our Boy Images including passwords and security questions, financial information including bank account and credit card details, biometric data, and medical records) without that person’s express written consent;
- either
- in the case of Content featuring public nudity, was recorded in or is being broadcast from a country, State or province where public nudity is illegal; or
- in the case of Content featuring sexual activities, was recorded in or is being broadcast from a public place where members of the public are reasonably likely to see the activities being performed (this does not include outdoor places where members of the public are not present, for example private property such as a private backyard, or secluded areas in nature where members of the public are not present).
- gives the impression that it comes from or is approved, licensed or endorsed by us or any other person or company;
- causes or is calculated to cause inconvenience, or anxiety to anyone else or which is likely to upset, embarrass, or cause serious offence to anyone else;
- is used or is intended to be used to extract money or another benefit from anyone else in exchange for removal of the Content; and/or
- involves or promotes third-party commercial activities or sales, such as contests, sweepstakes and other sales promotions, product placements, advertising, or job posting or employment ads without our prior express consent.
- shows, includes or refers to:
- Do not use Our Boy Images to stalk, bully, abuse, harass, threaten or intimidate anyone else.
- Do not use Our Boy Images to engage in misleading or deceptive conduct, or conduct that is likely to mislead or deceive any other User.
- Respect the intellectual property rights of Creators, including by not recording, reproducing, sharing, communicating to the public or otherwise distributing their Content without authorization.
- Do not do anything that violates our or someone else’s rights, including intellectual property rights (examples of which are copyright, trademarks, confidential information, and goodwill), personality rights, unfair competition, privacy, and data protection rights.
- Do not impersonate us, one of our employees, another User, or any other person or company or falsely state or suggest any affiliation, endorsement, sponsorship between you and us or any other person or company.
- Do not provide false account registration information or make unauthorized use of anyone else’s information or Content.
- Do not post or cause to be posted any Content which is spam, which has the intention or effect of artificially increasing any Creator’s views or interactions, or which is otherwise inauthentic, repetitive, misleading or low quality.
- Do not transmit, stream, or otherwise send any pre-recorded audio or video material during a live stream or otherwise attempt to pass off recorded material as a live stream.
- Do not use other media or methods (for example the use of codewords or signals) to communicate anything which violates this Policy.
- Do not reproduce, print, distribute, attempt to download, modify, create derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform, republish, download, store or transmit any Content, except as permitted under the Terms of Service.
- Do not knowingly introduce any viruses, trojans, worms, logic bombs or other material into Content which is or may be malicious or technologically harmful.
- Do not decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, or otherwise attempt to discover or derive the source code of Our Boy Images.
- Do not use Our Boy Images in a way that could adversely affect our systems or security or interfere with any other User’s use of We-Boy-Images, including their ability to engage in real-time activities through Our Boy Images.
- Do not use any automated program, tool or process (such as web crawlers, robots, bots, spiders, and automated scripts) to access Our Boy Images or any server, network or system associated with Our Boy Images, or to extract, scrape, collect, harvest or gather Content or information from We-Boy-Images.
- Do not use Our Boy Images’ name, logo or any related or similar names, logos, product and service names, designs, or slogans other than in the limited ways which are expressly permitted in the Terms of Service or with our prior written agreement.
- 所有您發佈之創作其著作權、智慧財產權皆由您所擁有
- 我們歡迎您將發布於他處的內容同步發布於本網站,只要您擁有相關的權利與著作權、智慧財產權。
- 如果內容發生侵權或合法性爭議,本網站有權不經通知直接暫時性隱藏、下架、刪除該內容
- 除本網站明示同意授權外,您不得自行或以程式、外掛或其他任何方式,擅自使用、重製、傳輸、散布、發行本網站其他會員之作品或以之從事營利行為,亦不得破解、侵入、破壞本網站之防盜拷措施。
- 除本網站明示同意授權外,本網站保留一切權利;本網站之任何服務與程式,均不構成任何形式之對您授權。
- 侵害他人之智慧財產權、人格權、隱私權或其他權利者。
- 內容構成犯罪或煽惑他人犯罪者。
- 明知為錯誤、意圖誤導、虛假和不正確的資訊。
- 垃圾訊息、騷擾訊息,攻擊性、歧視性、誹謗、侮辱
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- 會員或非會員與廣告商進行任何形式之通訊或商業往來、參與促銷活動、購買商品服務等行為,概屬會員或非會員與廣告商間之法律行為,因前述行為而引起之紛爭或損失,與本網站無關。
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- 在訂閱模式下,為保證您的會員權益並避免糾紛,如果您訂閱的內容遭遇特殊情形,包含但不限定於:持續無法按照約定的頻率更新、超過15個工作天(上班日,不含國定假日)內容未更新、內容侵害他人權利等,您可以主動申請退款,且不需負擔退款時產生的其他費用。
- 您應了解並同意,本站數位商品為非以有型媒介提供之數位內容,在您購買之後,除本網站定型化契約中約定之特殊狀況外,將無法針對本內容進行退款。訂閱內容亦僅可取消後續訂閱,無法針對訂閱內容要求退款。購買前您應該仔細思考清楚,再進行下單
- 使用本服務,您應了解並同意,在創作者與訂閱者間有糾紛狀況發生時,站方將依據創作者實際被訂閱的情形與金額,調整創作者的部分收入金額為保留款,用以在訂閱者退訂時之款項處理作業
- 創作者於本站收取之訂閱服務之收入,入帳後預設皆為處理中之狀態。並依照訂閱天期的長短,進行款項之後台結算,在不同時間點變更為可提領狀態。
- 本網站保留新增或修改儲存空間大小之權利,並且會定期備份您所儲存的內容與資料,但網站不對刪除的資料或備份儲存失敗的資料負責。
- 本網站之服務使用及資料儲存,本網站有權制訂及變更一般性之管理措施,包含但不限於:會員電子報之管理、討論與留言之管理與保存期限、作品刊登期限、作品下架事由、會員帳號管理、個資管理等。
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- 本網站有權基於網站管理及其他合法考量,暫停或終止或對多數或個別會員之服務,包含但不限於:凍結違反會員服務條款之帳號、管理並刪除會員於本網站內所發布之內容。會員應就其發表於本網站之內容自行備份,以防資料遺失,本網站不對任何資料之遺失承擔責任。
- 會員服務系統會自動偵測沒有使用的會員帳號,如連續超過一年均未使用,在多次提醒依然沒有重新使用,系統將自動將您於該帳號內之所有檔案、資料及使用設定資料檔全數刪除且不予另行備份,並將您的會員帳號暫停使用。上述有無使用之紀錄,均以本網站會員服務系統內所留存之紀錄為準。
- 創作者超過3個禮拜沒有更新創作,為避免消費者購買後產生消費糾費,本站有權關閉創作者的相關功能,包含但不限於相關提供給創作者之專屬權限功能
- 任何不可歸責於本網站之事由所致之服務、暫停中斷或終止