BOYS.BANK – BOB-080 – 大人気!!イケメンバスケ部のノンケ大学生が初アナルで昇天しちゃいます!!


Full HD 1920×1080
HD高画質 1280×720
通常画質 856×480
カテゴリー:FullHD高画質 / オナニー / スジ筋 / 体育会系 / ノンケ / 巨根



专为那些想看直男淫荡的人创建的新标签 [Onataring EX] CASE:14
A new label created just for those who want to see straight men’s lasciviousness [Onataring EX] CASE:14


这一次,我们请案例6中的篮球俱乐部中非常受欢迎和英俊的成员Shingo-kun尝试各种挑战。 Shingo-kun在参加完俱乐部活动回家的路上与我们碰面,他出现了,这么多年来仍然很帅。
This time, we asked Shingo-kun, a very popular and handsome member of the basketball club in Case 6, to try various challenges. Shingo-kun, who met up with us after club activities, is still a handsome man after all these years.


A little basketball practice while talking.


今天,我们立即去了房间,对肌肉训练设备进行了审查。 一个变态的工作人员逐渐脱掉她的衣服,使她的臀部完全暴露出来,同时她做一些轻度的肌肉训练和拉伸。
Today, we quickly go to the room to get a review of the muscle training equipment. The perverted staff gradually undresses her so that her buttocks are fully exposed while having her do some light muscle training and stretching.

そう今回はシンゴ君のツルツル美ケツのアナルを狙ってます^^「ちょい試しにイジってもいい??^^」と聞くと意外に「まぁ、、」と苦笑い(^^; 毛が一本もない超美アナル♪

这就对了! 这次我的目标是Shingo-kun的肛门。 ‘我可以用它来试试吗? 当我问他时,他出人意料地苦笑着说:”没事的”。 一个美丽的粉红色肛门,没有一根毛。
That’s right! This time I’m aiming for Shingo-kun’s anus. Can I play with it to try it out?” I asked him, and he surprisingly said, “Sure,” with a wry smile on his face. A beautiful pink anus without a single hair.

四つ這いのままローションを垂らされ指でジュポジュポ、バイブでグイグイ♪ 初めてのアナルにもかかわらず、目をトロんとさせながら感じちゃってるシンゴ君^^

Shingo is on all fours, dripping lube and teasing her with his fingers. Shingo is feeling a little bit of anus even though it’s his first time.


她被反复用振动器插入,并在龟头上受到折磨,她听不清地呻吟着说:”没有了!”。 她一次又一次地上升。
She was repeatedly tortured with a vibrator, and she moaned inaudibly while saying, “Oh, no! and she ascended again and again.

前回のぶっ飛び発射と違ってエロ濡れ射精…。シンゴ君いわく、「チンコが気持ちいいのか、ケツ穴が気持ちいいのか、訳が分からない…」とぐったり笑 そのままイッたばかりのエロチンをグリグリしてると…また!!笑

射精与前一次射精不同。 Shingo说:”我不知道是阴茎感觉好还是肛门感觉好,我不知道翻译”。 我正在玩我的阴茎,因为它是!
The ejaculation was different from the previous ejaculation. Shingo said, “I don’t know whether the penis feels good or the anus feels good, I don’t know the translation. I was playing with his penis as it was!


啊哈! 就在你认为你已经提高了嗓门的时候,它又出现了!这时,你就会发现,你的声音是那么的大。
Ahhh! I thought I shouted, “Ah!


由于量太大,房间和我们两个人都湿透了。 具有良好个性的Shingo-kun,一直到最后都面带微笑,竭尽全力。 我希望有一天他和顺哥能一起玩!
The room and both of us were soaking wet from the sheer volume. Shingo-kun, who has a great personality, did his best with a smile on his face until the end of the event. I hope he and Shun can work together someday!


The main model also wears a mask in this film.



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